7 Immunity Boosting Superfoods You Should Eat Daily


Our immune system plays a crucial role in keeping us well and healthy. Think of it as our body’s natural defense against a wide range of diseases and infections. Our immune system is responsible for destroying germs such as bacteria and viruses as well as parasites.

So why are we bringing up the immune system now, you ask? With a virus rapidly spreading around the world, we need to take preventive measures (wash our hands, stay at least 1 m away from others and self-isolate if we’re unwell).

The Covid-19 is a completely new virus so until we find a vaccine or proper treatment for it, we rely completely on our body’s natural immune response to combat it. That is why now is the right time to begin eating healthy and bolstering our immune system.

Here are 7 immunity-boosting superfoods that will strengthen your immune system and help your body fight against infections and other diseases:

1)    Dark Leafy Vegetables

Dark leafy vegetables make it to the top of this list because they’re a rich source of beta-carotene, an organic terpenoid that is converted to Vitamin A in the body. Vitamin A helps antibodies respond to toxins and germs. Beta carotene also reduces inflammation and stimulates the production of disease-fighting cells in the body.  

Dark leafy vegetables include:

·        Kale

·        Spinach

·        Argula

Other foods that are rich in beta-carotene include:

·        Sweet potatoes

·        Carrots

·        Mangoes

·        Apricots

·        Squash

Beta-carotene is converted into vitamin A, which is a fat-soluble vitamin so its best to pair your leafy vegetables with a healthy fat like nuts (hint: make a healthy and refreshing tossed salad with leafy greens and almonds)

2)    Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits are rich in plant-based compounds with major anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. These compounds along with vitamins and minerals support the immune system and help our body function properly.

Citrus fruits are a rich source of vitamin C, an essential nutrient that increases the level of antibodies and helps sort white blood cells in the blood.

Antibodies are special proteins the body needs to combat foreign bodies and pathogens such as bacteria and viruses. White blood cells are specialised cells that help our bodies decide what kind of protection is required against foreign particles and pathogens.

Studies exploring the effects of vitamin C on our immune response found that higher levels of vitamin C (over 200 mg) were effective in slightly reducing the duration and intensity of common cold symptoms.

Citrus fruits rich in vitamin C are:

·        Clementine

·        Lemons

·        Limes

·        Oranges

·        Grapefruits

·        Pomelos

Some other vitamin C packed superfoods include:

·        Strawberries

·        Kiwi

·        Brussels sprouts

·        Cooked cabbage and cauliflower

·        Red or green peppers


3)    Almonds

Make almonds a part of your immune-boosting meal or better yet, munch away on unsalted almonds during snack time to kill unhealthy cravings and strengthen your body’s defense system.

Almonds are a great source of vitamin E, which plays a key role in maintaining our immune system, especially as we age. Vitamin E is a natural antioxidant required by our immune system to work properly. Almonds also have proteins and a fair amount of healthy fat, which is great for your health.


4)    Honey

Raw honey  is a superfood in its own right. Not only is honey rich an amazing source of essential minerals, vitamins and enzymes that the body needs to function properly, it is also a powerhouse of antioxidants.

In addition to being an energy-packed and delicious blend of nutrients, honey is also an all-natural immunity booster. According to research, raw or unprocessed honey has antibacterial properties. The study also mentions that honey improves digestion.

Replacing all the granulated sugar in your household with honey is a good idea - but remember to go for raw or unprocessed honey blends since refined honey loses its natural content and potency. The best thing about honey is its versatility: you can use it as a sweetener for your green tea, slap it on bread and have it for breakfast or put some in your salads - the choice is yours.


5)    Black Seed Oil

Black seed oil, also known as black cumin seed oil or simply black cumin oil, is also a great superfood to add to your immune-boosting regimen. That’s because black seed oil has more than 100 natural compounds, most of which fortify our immune system.

In addition to a cocktail of nutrients like vitamins, trace minerals, and essential fatty acids, the black cumin oil has antihistamines like Nigellone.  It also contains a trio of active phytochemicals: thymol, thymoquinone, and thymohydroquinone, all three of which have anti-inflammatory properties.

Preliminary studies have indicated that Nigella Sativa extracts may be efficient in alleviating the symptoms of coronavirus and slowing down the replication of the virus in the body. More research, however, is needed to explore the potential of black seed oil and other plant extracts as a supportive treatment for the Covid-19.

Organic black cumin oil is extracted by gently cold-pressing little black seeds obtained from the Nigella Sativa plant. Because of their rich content and strong flavour, black seeds have been used as a culinary ingredient as well as a remedy for common flu, sore throat and a host of digestive problems.

The best way to consume black cumin oil is to take it raw. Heating the oil may result in its compounds getting denatured so we recommend you use it as a seasoning, not a cooking oil. You can also include some black seed oil in your tea. Those averse to its taste can consume black seed capsules instead.

6)    Broccoli

We know we’ve already talked about leafy greens but when it comes to immunity-boosting foods, broccoli deserves a special mention. This versatile veggie, that can be easily stir-friend, steamed, boiled or even eaten raw (think salad or side!), is packed with antioxidants.

Broccoli also contains vitamins A, C, and E all of which are great for your immune system. Broccoli also has a fair share of healthy fiber and potassium. That’s why it's super healthy and filling.

7)    Yogurt

Yogurt is loaded with vitamin D and probiotics, both of which give our immune system a natural boost. However, it is better to opt for yogurt blends that have live and active cultures in them (like greek yogurt), instead of flavoured varieties.

 Researchers found that vitamin D regulates the immune system and helps it stay balanced during viral infections. Probiotics improve the body’s immune response by stimulating the production of natural antibodies and keep our digestive tract healthy by eliminating harmful bacteria.

If you’re a fan of pre-flavored, try something different: go for plain yogurt this time, use raw honey to sweeten it and top it up with slices of fruits, berries, and diced dry fruits. If you want to make it a super healthy yogurt snack: sprinkle some black seeds  atop your yogurt - and get ready to feast on a healthy and delicious immunity-boosting snack (also works amazingly well if you have a sweet tooth!)


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